Monday, March 26, 2007

Archived Blog May 19 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Nirvana, Enlightenment, Star Wars: Episode III. Call it what you will.

Before I talk about anything--anything at all--you must watch this movie! I cannot tell you anything about it, except that you will be pleased afterwards. It is not disgusting or violent. In fact, it is softer than most Disney Films. Here it is. Watch it now, thank me later.

Of course, it isn't as good as Revenge of the Sith, which I saw today. Now, I'm not going to say that I copulated with my underwear during the film, but I definitely won't deny it. The movie was fan-freaking-tastic, un-freaking-believable, and good. A lot of people complain about the dialogue, but I don't think they realize that George Lucas was trying to make the Old Republic era more like feudal Europe. People are chivalrous and over-the-top. It is different with the rebels in the old star wars, but they are rebels, people! Open your eyes. Anyway, I have reached inner-peace, and I am no long afraid of death. That movie was awesome!

In other news, I have taken a hiatus from drinking and certain activities associated with certain cities in the Netherlands. I am feeling great, and I am going to keep it up for the time being. Also, I am experimenting with not taking ritalin, and I have found that this too seems to be going great. I haven't noticed any large changes in my personality.

I don't have a job yet, and am still working on getting one. I also don't have a comedy career yet, and am still working on getting one. But, I am keeping busy, and I will update this blog again soon.


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