Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Archived Blog Oct 9 2006

I didn't really follow the rules on this one. Sue me, asshole. Current mood: Fatty Category: Fatty Quiz/Survey
You Can Only Answer yes or no
1. You can only say Yes or No!
2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!
3. Repost this as the Yes/ No Game!
4. For Evan Jacobs only, he can answer in short form with hobo-related information.

Kissed someone on your top friends?
Yes, and then some. Although this isn't related to hobo-killing, I do have to supply a long answer because I hate playin' by the rules.

Danced in front of your mirror naked?
Yes, I get myself psyched up before I go out on the hobo-prowl.

Ever told a lie?
Yes. No, not really, I'm lying.

Tripped on mushrooms?
Oh yes.

Done extasy?
I've done ecstasy, if that's what you mean. I usually do it before a night of wild-animal hobo killing.

Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Story of my motherfucking life.

Been arrested?
Big yes on that one.

Kissed a picture?
I've gone all the way with a picture.

Had sex at work?
Not straight sex.

Ran a red light?
No, and I've never littered or jay-walked either.

Been fired from a job?
Actually, no. I just get laid-off.

Sang karaoke?

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
Everytime I murder a hobo.

Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
I don't laugh.

Kissed in the rain?
Yeah, so what?

Sang in the shower?

Made love on a roof top?
No, are you fucking nuts? There are no beds or couches on rooftops.

You want me to fuck on tar?
Fuck that shit.

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
No, and anyone who would do that to be would surely be spending some time with my hobo buddies.

Broken a bone?

Slept naked?
I've been awake naked too.

Blacked out from drinking?
No, I'm not a whore.

Played a prank on someone?
Yeah, I once told this hobo I wouldn't kill him. Ha!

Felt like killing someone?
Have you not been reading this survey?

Ever been madly IN love?
I've been in love with killing hobos.

Ever lost someone you loved?
I don't really love the hobos. It's more of a hatred.

Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry?
Only from severe beatings.

Had sex more than 6 times in one day?
I've never done anything more than six times in one day. Except crapped, maybe.

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets?
An inanimate object cannot be a pet, numbnuts.

Been in a band?
High school band.

Played strip poker?
No one wants to see me naked!

Donated Blood?
Oh yeah. Not always mine, though.

Video taped yourself having sex?
Remember what I said about strip poker?

Still love someone you shouldnt?
Maybe. Not sure on that one.

Like someone now?
My gf.

The recent person you liked has a girlfriend/boyfriend now?
Yeah, I'm her boyfriend.

Have a tattoo?
No, tattoos are stupid.

Ever cheated on girlfriend/boyfriend?

Ever been cheated on by girlfriend/boyfriend?
Hell yeah, motherfucker!

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