Monday, March 26, 2007

Archived Blog May 2 2005

Monday, May 02, 2005

Star Wars and the People Who Love It Too Much --or-- Seriously Texas, What the Fuck?

Hey, it's Evan. But enough about me. First, the news.

Texas has recently passed a bill (or is thinking of passing a bill) that will make it illegal for gay couples to adopt children. Moreover, it will make it completely legal for any adoption agency to background check candidates to see if they might be gay. My reaction to this was "What? What the fuck? Come on! What the hell is this shit?" Your reaction should be along the same lines. Texas is actually trying to stop poor orphans from being adopted. We, in this country, already have enough adoption problems, and many orphans just grow up without stable families. Of course, everyone knows if you have gay parents you will be abused, or so says Cathie Adams, who cited a research study on CNN saying that children of gay parents are eleven times more likely to be abused. When later checked, it turned out that the research study was conducted by the CSLFNA, otherwise known as "Crack-Smoking Liars for Nazi America." The bottom line is this: Texas, your state legislature is full of backwards hicks that should have been long dead because of natural selection. You should be ashamed to call yourself a state under this otherwise great nation. I hope your state becomes overrun with gay people and all your anti-gay politicians are sodomized over and over again.

The Airbus 380 just came out. It is the largest passenger plane ever. Ever! It seats 800 people. You know what that means? It means I am never going to fly on it. But kudos to the french for creating an enourmous flying target to distract terrorists from other planes that they would have attacked before. When you put 800 people on a plane, you are begging for it. Again, you c0uldn't pay me to fly on that plane. It's just stupid. Why not bring back the titanic and hindenburg while we're at it?

Evan's News

The girl situation is as such that I am not really out prowling right now, although I still seem to be single and available. I'll update you.

I saw Sin City twice in the theaters, and it was awesome. The second time I saw it (with Katarina), I started crying. Specifically during the scene in which the character Nancy Callahan is speaking to the character Hartigan while he is in a hospitable bed. I wasn't sobbing or anything, but I have definitely lost respect for myself. I'm just a big old pussy. Anyway, you should see it, because it's awesome.

Star Wars comes out on May 19th. Ever since the first new movie came out, my biggest fear was that I would die before being able to see all three films. Now that the third (sixth) and final film is coming out within the month, it looks like I am in the clear. Truthfully, afterwards I will probably not be nearly as afraid of death as I am now. Jesus Christ, I'm a nerd.

I'm going to start running again for the first time in months. My metatarsal has healed completely, but sometimes I can still feel pinches of pain. This is usually the case with all broken bones, and I will just have to live with it. Meanwhile, one of these days I'm gonna go ahead out and do it. Also, I think I will start taking dietary supplements for weight training so I can become ripped. Then I will look at myself in the mirror sing show tunes.

My industry show went well. I haven't been called by any agents yet, even though there are a handful of people who have. This does not disconcert me, as I think it's too early in my career to be having an agent anyway. Graduation is on wednesday. I am going to pursue comedy indefinitely with vigor. More on that later.

Also, I need a job.

Until next time!

Evan Spencer "The Hammer" Jacobs

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