Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Archived Blog Oct 9 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006
Stick your balls in my ass! Current mood: Chunky Category: Chunky Quiz/Survey

1. What's your favorite word?
Jon Benet Ramsey

2. What's your favorite food?

3. What's your favorite drink?
The blood of the innocent

4. What's your favorite color?
Hot pink

5. What's your favorite city?

6. Who's your favorite actor?

7. What's your favorite band?
Radiohead, silly.

8. What's your favorite movie?

9. What's your favorite song?
German National Anthem

10. What's your favorite book?
Penis-transplants for Dummies

11. Who did you last kiss?
My hot girlfriend.

12. Where did you last sleep?
A dumpster.

13. When was the last time you cried?
I'm constantly crying.

14. When was the last time you rode a roller-coaster?
I don't know. Who cares?

15. What was the last movie you saw?

16. What did you last eat?
A brownie from Fairyland.

17. When was the last time you flew?
In an airplane? Amsterdam. Uhhh… 3/2005.

18. Who was your last boyfriend/girlfriend?
Some supermodel.

19. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My motherfucking hot girlfriend!

20. When was the last time you voted?
2004 General Election.

21. How tall are you?
Five nine and one quarter, dickshitter.

22. How old are you?
None of your goddamned business.

23. What do you do for a living?
Rich people pay me to let them shit in my mouth.

24. What do your parents do for a living?
My mother is a Cambodian sweatshop manager, and my father works in the sweatshop.

25. Are you single?
Usually I am, but not right now. I am, however, unmarried. So shove that up your ass.

26. Are you straight or gay?
I'm gay. Straight! I mean straight! Why would I say gay?

27. What was the last country you visited?
The Netherlands! Weed weed weed!

28. Where were you born?

29. What were your first words?
"More peas."

30. What do you want your last words to be?
"Hey, who just shot me in the face?"

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